Journal of Molluscan Research, (JMR) Volume 7, 2021
This study was conducted to compare biochemical analyses of the shells of black-skinned and albino giant African land snails. A total of forty snails (20 albino and 20 black-skinned snails) were used for this experiment. The minerals (Ca2+, Fe2+, Mg2+, Na+, Zn+, K+) and proximate (crude protein, ash, fibre, crude fat and carbohydrate) composition of shells of the two ectotypes were evaluated by standard methods. The shell of albino snails had significantly higher (p˂0.05) carbohydrate content than black skinned shell (8.55 % and 1.12 % respectively). However, black-skinned snail shells have higher concentrations for all the minerals.
Keywords: Albino snails, Black-skinned snails, Archachatina marginata, biochemical compositions.