Journal of Molluscan Research, (JMR) Volume 9, 2022
*Oloko, A.B, Abiona, J.A., Abioja, M.O. , Sogunle, O. M., Mosobalaje, M.A., Bako, B.A., Mustapha, T.B and Adeaga, L.S.
Snail has been in used since prehistoric times to complement protein in the diet of human being, however; dry season has negative effects on its production causing retarded in growth rate. This research evaluated the effect of guava leaf meal (GLM) on growth performance of Giant African Land snail (GALS) during dry season.
Sixty matured giant African land snails (A. marginata) with weight range of 100 – 150 g were randomly allotted into five dietary treatments in a Complete Randomized Design. The snail received 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g guava of leaf meal/kg of concentrate. Each treatment had six replicates. The experiment lasted 15 weeks.
Body weight, shell length, width and circumference were measured on weekly basis using sensitive scale, digital Vernier caliper and tape rule. Data obtained were subjected to general linear model using MINITAB 18. The result showed that snails fed 5 g/kg of guava leaf meal had highest weight gain (p <0.05) and better feed conversion ratio compared to others groups. The shell length, width, circumference and mortality were not significantly (p >0.05) affected by GLM.
The experiment concluded that dietary intake of GLM up to 10 g/kg of concentrate improved growth, not detrimental to shell characteristics and recommended that GLM can be added up to10 g/kg of concentrate for growth during dry season.