Journal of Molluscan Research, (JMR) Volume 8, 2022
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The effect of nanoparticles (MTX+) on major mineral composition of Archachatina marginata fed aflatoxin contaminated diet was evaluated in this study. Forty (40) snails weighing between 120-200 g were randomly divided into four (4) treatments with ten (10) replicates each. The four treatments include: T1 (control), T2 (0.25g of aflatoxin/Kg of feed), T3 (0.50g of aflatoxin/Kg of feed) and T4 (0.75g of aflatoxin/Kg of feed). Aflatoxin contaminated diet was fed for ten weeks. Thereafter, 2g of nanoparticle (MTX) was included in their feed for three weeks with the TI as the control exempted. Parameters monitored were haemolymph potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Mortality during period of aflatoxin administration (Week 1-8) and period of nanoparticle (MTX) administration were monitored. Results showed that aflatoxin had significant effect (P < 0.05) on haemolymph potassium and does not have any significant effect on sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus within week 1-8 of aflatoxin administration.
Mortality at T3 and T4 were at 40% while the control (T1) and T2 recorded no mortality. However, nanoparticle (MTX+) fed between week 9-12 had significant effect (P < 0.05) on haemolymph phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium with no mortality record in all the treatments. It can be concluded from this study that aflatoxin significantly affected potassium among other selected minerals and Nanoparticles (MTX+) neutralized mortality pattern after its administration.
Keyword: Giant African Land snail, Nanoparticle, Aflatoxin, Diet, Archachatina
marginata, Mineral composition