Journal of Molluscan Research, (JMR) Volume 8, 2022
Unfavourable environmental conditions such as extreme dryness expose snails to acute starvation. This study investigated the effects of starvation on the mineral profile of the haemolymph and lipid profile of foot muscle in the giant African land snail, Archachatina marginata.
Sixty snails were bought from markets within Abeokuta, Ogun State, and acclimatized for a week in the laboratory and then split into two groups (Control and Starved) which were replicated thrice (n = 10). Mineral (Ca2+, Fe2+, K+, Mg2+, and Na+) concentrations in the haemolymph were examined according to the methods of AOAC, while, the proximate composition and lipid profile of the foot muscles of the snails were assayed using standard procedures.
Sodium, potassium, and magnesium contents increased in the haemolymph of both control and starved snails, while Ca2+ content decreased with experimentation days in both the control and starved.
At week 4, no significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed in the mineral content of the control and starved snails. However, by week 6, Na+ , K+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ in the starved snails were significantly higher than in the control snails. Proximate content showed losses in dry matter, ash, crude fibre and carbohydrate contents between week 4 and 6 for both control and starved snails. However, the moisture content of the foot muscle increased with the experimentation period; the starved snails had the highest mean moisture content of 89.52±3.59 g/100g.
At week 4, no significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed in the lipid profile of the control and starved snails, however by week 6, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL were significantly higher in the control (156.77±28.76, 243.30±6.85, 47.53±0.75, 60.57±29.03) than the starved snails (54.87±2.86, 103.93±55.77, 26.90±1.35, 7.20±3.30).
This study concludes that acute starvation results in weight loss, and alteration in mineral content of haemolymph as well as biochemical composition of the foot muscle of Archachatina marginata.
Keywords: Starvation, Archachatina marginata, Snails, Minerals, Lipids, Haemolymph